Live the 2nd half of your life with authenticity, creativity, & vivacity.

Welcome to Authentic Expressions!

6 weeks of individual coaching for midlife women (trans and nonbinary folks always welcome). Discover your strengths and your unique gifts to express to & for the world.

Life in midlife might not be what we expected.

Sometimes dreams don’t come true in the way we imagined.

Maybe we’re not with our partners anymore, our friends moved away, or we’re no longer going into work. For the first time, maybe we’re not “needed.”

Society sets us up to feel discarded, invisible, and unsure of our place in the world.

We begin to seriously question if this is all there is to life. Is this the best we can ever hope for?

This is not all there is to life.

What if we chose to look at this as an “in between time”, a period between the 1st half and the 2nd half of our life?

This uncomfortable time is simply a transition.

This transition, I’ve found, is a powerful time to recalibrate, uncover unique gifts, and find hidden opportunities to discover who we are.

Let’s run with this golden opportunity, ripe for newness and discovery!

What if the best half of your life is yet to come?

If you know you have more of yourself to “express to and for the world” but would like more guidance, Authentic Expressions was designed for you. In Authentic Expressions you’ll work with me privately to reassess yourself in a way you might not have imagined. In other words, you will have an opportunity to (re)discover who you are and take another chance on life.

You’ll experience:

Increased hope

More vitality

New options

Enhanced creativity

Deeper Self-Understanding

You will also find an increased ability to identify your unique gifts, take new risks, give yourself permission to explore, reflect on your past, and embrace the future.

Let me help you embrace your life in all its messy, glorious, confusing, complex and surprising aspects.

Hi! I’m Ginny.

I believe that each of us has a unique gift to offer to the world. I  believe that we can find and joyfully express that gift - at any point in our lives - and the world becomes a better place for it.

I’m a 64 year old cisgender heterosexual white woman. (My pronouns are she/her.) I’m a wife, mother, and a grandmother. I’m also a retired social worker, a former adult educator /community college instructor and a past Red Cross disaster mental health volunteer. I’ve gone back to school twice, once at 40 years old for my Master’s degree and once at 50 for my doctorate. Along the way I also studied expressive arts.

I’ve experienced unimaginable grief, rode waves of joy and awe, and been helped by some loving healers. I’ve made many scary, adventurous “pivots” in my life and I’ve learned to live life in all its messy, glorious, confusing, complex, and surprising aspects. Through it all I learned to express myself in big, life-saving ways.

Here’s what this means for you:

  • By using my familiarity with tools from art, education, psychology, (and even brain science!), I help you gain valuable self-knowledge.

  • By sprinkling in some playful exploration of new activities (I forgot to tell you I also have a Recreation major, so I have lots of ideas) and guiding you in a visual journaling practice, you’ll gain a reflective, creative, and expanded world.

  • My innate curiosity, facilitation skills, and familiarity with the transitions process help you to move forward in the ways you secretly desire.

  • And through it all, we’ll use my expressive arts skills to find simple but eye-opening activities (perhaps easy collage, cell phone photography, simple movement, or beginning poetry) to help you relax and be open to new possibilities.

Most importantly, we’ll take your years of hard-earned wisdom and a lifetime of experiences to embrace the life you want.

Let’s discover why the best is yet to come.

Over the course of 6 weeks, we’ll meet via video call (Zoom) to explore several questions. Why questions?

Through searching for answers to these questions, you will gain valuable self knowledge, new insights, and new directions to explore. Some of the questions will include:

  • What did I expect my life to look like now at this age?

  • What are my unique strengths?

  • What do I need? Want?

  • What is challenging for me when I think about changes?

  • What are my options for the next half of my life?

Each coaching session will allow time for reflection, journal writing, and authentic sharing. During these sessions, we’ll also complete simple but powerful expressive art activities (absolutely NO art experience needed or expected!) to encourage freedom, non-verbal exploration and the enhancement of your intuition. Please set aside approximately 1-2 hours between sessions for journaling and experimenting with what we discover.

If this is calling your name, here’s how we’ll get started:

  1. You’ll sign up for a complimentary 20 minute discovery call with me. During this call, we’ll talk about the coaching sessions and answer your questions.

  2. Upon deciding that this program is the right fit for you, you’ll register and pay for your sessions.

  3. You’ll complete a pre-session questionnaire so that I better understand you and you better understand the direction we will be moving. This questionnaire will jump start your discovery process by inviting your thoughtful and honest answers about the second half of your life. In a way, it will be a preview of what’s to come.

  4. Each week we’ll meet 90 minutes over Zoom, so we can interact in a live online format. Forming a personal connection, while doing this kind of personal work, makes it so much easier!

  5. You’ll have 6 Zoom sessions over 6 weeks so that we can proceed in a relaxed and forward moving process. By spreading sessions over 6 weeks, you’ll have enough time and space to try new activities, practice new ways of being in the world, and learn new things about yourself. You’ll also have my guidance and witness each week so you can receive feedback and encouragement throughout the process.

  6. After the six weeks, you’ll have expressive art activities, visual journal, and new self knowledge. It will be yours to refer to it over and over again throughout the second half of your wonderful and creative life.

The individual online coaching sessions run for 6 weeks, each with a 90 minute session.

Registration is now open.

Multiple time slots are available.

The cost of “Authentic Expressions” private coaching is $499. (The cost will increase for future offerings).

A two-payment plan is available for no extra cost. The 1st payment is due at registration, and the 2nd payment will then be due at the 3rd week.


Sign up for Authentic Expressions today.You have the 2nd half of your life waiting!

This is a good fit for you if you:

Desire authenticity in yourself.

Believe you have a unique gift but just can’t find it.

Know you have more of yourself to “express” to the world but would like more guidance.

Will put in time to reflect, explore, and try new ideas.

Ready to commit to a process that just might be life changing!

This is not a good fit for you if you:

Only are looking for a new hobby.

Enjoy playing pickleball 24/7.

Need to bring in extra income for your family…quickly!

Desire therapy and/or you have an untreated mental illness.

Like to work by yourself, without help.

Love your life exactly as it is and are too busy to do anything else.

By the time we finish our sessions together, you will have already started “living your best life.”


What does that even mean, “living your best life” ?

For me, it means deep conversations, loud belly laughs, and thick paint dripping from my paintbrush.

It means saying, “welcome!” while bending over a mosquito-filled pond, to see a new wildflower I found.

It means walking through a cemetery, “feeling” ancestors holding my feet through the tree roots to keep me grounded; or smelling warm pine trees and being transported back in time to my childhood “sleep-away”camp; or feeling comforted even while hot tears run down my face. It means living my life authentically, creatively, and vivaciously every day.

For you, “living your best life” might still be a mystery, but we can start exploring this together…

 Frequently Asked Questions

  • You are not alone! “Authentic Expressions” is designed for people with this very question. You will have lots of individualized support to help you recognize your strengths, talents, and individual gifts. During your coaching sessions, you will begin to recognize your needs and desires as well, so you will be well on your way to finding out what works for you.

  • If you are in midlife, you are eligible. This program is for you! There is no age attached here AND you definitely don’t have to be retired to participate in “Authentic Expressions”! All I ask is that you want to live your best life!

  • This is NOT a course specifically for artists. This is a course for everyone to tap into their natural expression and creativity. No previous art experience is requested or needed. Just bring a sense of curiosity (and maybe playfulness) to our sessions. We will not have any expectations of a final art project…we will only focus on the process. You will have the opportunity then to decide what your expressive art process revealed to you.

  • You will be expected to complete the pre-work questionnaire, show up on time for weekly zoom calls, do the homework between weekly sessions (1-2 hours per week) be willing to take direction while trying new things (even if you are nervous!), and be respectful.

  • When you participate in the discovery call, you will have 20 minutes to ask me anything about the program to see if it’s a good fit for you. You will be eligible for registration right after the discovery call. Payment is due at registration.

  • There are no refunds, but I will offer you a 20 minute complimentary “discovery call” to answer all of your questions before you register/pay.

Let’s get you on the path to your authentic, creative, and vivacious life!

Sign up for a complimentary discovery call to see if Authentic Expressions is right for you.

$499 for 6 weeks of individual coaching sessions, each week with a 90 minute session.